Programs Designed For Adults With Epilepsy

Young Adult Transition Group
For Ages 19-35
Offered Monthly at Our Program Night
Monthly Meet Up
An educational and social group for young adults affected by epilepsy that helps ease the transition to adulthood.
The Young Adult Transition Group promotes social engagement, social thinking and independence. Young adults join fun-filled social outings and empowering independence building activities. Young Adults will also have the opportunity to learn about epilepsy from Orange County epilepsy specialists and the ability to be involved in meet-up planning.

Adult Social Group
Offered Monthly at Our Program Night
Join us and meet other adults with epilepsy to share experiences, answer questions and
meet new friends!

Epilepsy Expert Speaker for Adults
Offered Monthly at Our Program Night
An educational support group for adults diagnosed with epilepsy.
This group meets monthly to learn about the most up to date information, treatments and research in the field of epilepsy. Expert guest speakers are scheduled regularly, focusing on specialized information most relevant to our group members needs and interests.

Intake and Referral
Intake will continue to be taken through phone call.
Callers will receive immediate support and education through individualized attention for best possible seizure and symptom control. Callers will be connected to our most appropriate support group(s) and educational programs. Callers will also be referred to community organizations that provide additional resources. Seizure control is the goal!
Call us today at (714) 916-0456

Epilepsy 101 English/Spanish
Offered Monthly at Our Program Night
This is a must attend presentation for the newly diagnosed and those who are still struggling with seizure control.
A one-hour class where you will learn the
facts about epilepsy which will guide you forward in your search for seizure
freedom. Diagnosis, treatment options, emergency medications and your questions will be discussed in this class. Be informed and avoid unnecessary mistakes
often involved with epilepsy. This class will help you make the best decisions for you or your loved ones.

Seizure Recognition and First Aid
Please Call 714-916-0456 to Schedule
This program may be scheduled for in-person training or via ZOOM.
Designed for staff members in the following settings: schools, child care facilities, after school programs, churches, youth sports, employers.
Companies who employ people with epilepsy would also benefit from this presentation. This no-cost presentation is designed to teach your staff how to recognize a seizure and when to administer first aid.
If you would like more information on low cost internet options in your area please call 1-844-841-4636
Attend Our Next Monthly Program Night!
Join us, the second Friday of each month, at CHOC Children’s Hospital for our informative and uplifting Program Night! Connect with other members in our community!
CHOC Children’s Hospital
1201 W. La Veta, Orange, CA 92868
Harold Wade Education Center
Bldg 2, 2nd Floor, CHOC West Building
You may Enter through main entrance of CHOC or directly to parking
structure at Main Street & W. Providence Avenue.
Parking $2.00 w/validation
Look for and follow the Epilepsy Support Network Signs.
We hope to see you there!