Programs Designed for Children and Teens Ages 2-19

Ages 2-13
Offered Monthly at Our Program Night
Children with epilepsy and their siblings are invited. While parents attend our programs, Friday Friends Club, or FFC, provides play and social skills time for developing friendships in a safe, accepting, playful and purposeful environment.
Our qualified childcare staff is fingerprinted, certified in CPR and Seizure Recognition & First Aid. We recommend parents bring their child’s Diastat or emergency rescue medication, if prescribed.
*Reservations needed to properly staff Friday Friends Club.

Ages 5-13
Offered Quarterly at Our Program Night
ESNOC’s Sibshops are opportunities for brothers and sisters of children who are
diagnosed with epilepsy to obtain peer support and education. Some of our fun planned activities will include, hands on cooking experiences, fields trips and more.
Our Sibshop Group Facilitator is trained from the Sibling Support Project on how to run sibshops
and educated in explaining to parents, service providers, and others in the ever-changing issues that siblings face in their lifespan.

Ages 13-19
Offered Monthly at Our Program Night
This is a Social Skills group for teens, 13-19, who are mildly to moderately affected by epilepsy who would benefit from positive peer interaction.
Teens will enjoy typical teen activities; organized games, listening to music,
hanging out all the while improving their social skills.
The Teen Club is facilitated by a credentialed professional, experienced with social
challenges facing teens with epilepsy.
Attend Our Next Monthly Program Night!
Join us, the second Friday of each month, at CHOC Children’s Hospital for our informative and uplifting Program Night! Connect with other members in our community!
CHOC Children’s Hospital
1201 W. La Veta, Orange, CA 92868
Harold Wade Education Center
Bldg 2, 2nd Floor, CHOC West Building
You may Enter through main entrance of CHOC or directly to parking structure at Main Street & W. Providence Avenue.
Parking $2.00 w/validation.
Look for and follow the Epilepsy Support Network Signs.
We hope to see you there!

If you would like more information on low cost internet options in your area please call 1-844-841-4636